Floating license

What is a floating license? (versions '23 and '24)

ARCLine.XP 2023 and later editions are based on a floating license. A floating software license means that the software license can be installed and used on more than one computer, as long as the number of concurrently running copies does not exceed the Authorized number.

One floating license for one user

In the case of a single-user license, the software license can be installed and used on more than one computer, provided that it is always used by the same user. The software can only be run on one computer at the same time.

Question: I am currently running ARCHLine.XP 2023 or 2024 on my first computer. Can I run it now on my second computer?
Answer: NO. You must first exit the program on the first computer and then start it on the second computer.
Note: The USB dongle license sold in the past is an exclusive license, it can only be used on the computer where the USB dongle is connected.
“LICENSEE” means the company or other legal entity on behalf of which SOFTWARE is acquired. For clarification, “Licensee” refers only to a single, specifically identified legal entity or individual, and does not include any subsidiary or affiliate of any such legal entity or individual or any other related person.
Single user license
CADLINE grants the non-exclusive, non-transferable right for Licensee to use the PRODUCT.
Each additional user of the PRODUCT requires an additional PRODUCT License.
You may install and use each PRODUCT License on more than one computer system, as long as it is always used by the same Licensee. The maximum number of concurrently running copies is the Authorized Number.
Network license
The PRODUCT can be installed and used on several computers, as long as the number of copies running concurrently does not exceed the Permitted number.
Software update
If you purchase an update (new year version) of the PRODUCT for a fee as part of a new order, you may use the previous version or versions of the PRODUCT only under the following conditions:
– The maximum number of concurrently running copies, including any version (year) of the PRODUCT, is the Permitted Number. The exception to this is that you can use the PRODUCT of different year version at the same time on the same computer.
1. The first 6 digits of the ARCHLine.XP license serial numbers 2023 and 2024 are the same. In this case, both versions can be started simultaneously on one computer.
2. The first 6 digits of the ARCHLine.XP license serial number 2023 and 2024 are the same, but you want to use it on two computers at the same time. In this case, the later prompt will be rejected by the server.

Network version example: 2 floating licenses for a group of users

If you want the software to be used by two users at the same time, you need to purchase 2 licenses.
In this case, a colleague can use the software even if you use it.

If you want 3 users to access the software at the same time, you need to purchase a floating license for 3 users.

Is it necessary to have an Internet connection on the computer?

Internet connection is required. If the Internet connection is lost while the software is running, a warning will appear shortly asking if you want to save the current state of the project, because the program will stop.


For ARCHLine.XP 2023 and later editions, limited-time OFFLINE mode is possible using the software license.


Floating license is available for both Professional and LT versions.