Export AutoCAD Architecture program files to a STANDARD DWG file

AutoCAD Architecture uses PROXY specialized objects that are partially opened or not fully represented by various programs and/or versions of AutoCAD.

Below is a translation of the AUTODESK manufacturer’s official instructions.

The original instruction with a more detailed explanation can be found at this link >>>

Note: The given steps are necessary so that all parties involved in the project can open and see the complete DWG file – ZWCAD, older versions of AutoCAD, as well as BIM programs. Exporting the file will not change the original file!

To convert AutoCAD Architecture files, we perform the following steps.

  1. Open AutoCAD Architecture
  2. We bind (or localize XREF files) if there are any in the file.
  3. Click on the AutoCAD icon ExportAutoCAD
  4.  Specify the location on the computer where to save the exported file
  5. Press ok.